"quote here"

stars cat #494 >> created by LadyStardust >> created on 10/06/2020
edits } n/a

lineage }
parent x parent
kit | kit | kit

cis-female | twenty-five moons | leader

desc } A small, slender dark mottled she-cat with intense yellow-green eyes and very little white on her belly and toes.

personality } She's feisty, determined to prove herself capable of everything a larger or clan-born cat could and then some. She comes from a fairly average house pet lifestyle, your typical 'there must be more out there' type of cat who never got closer to the outdoors than a perch with a view of their backyard.

history } After her first twelve-moon birthday, she began to have dreams of walking beyond the walls of her house and trailing stars as she went, dreams of feral cats thriving out in nature, hunting for their food, fighting for their survival, and then finally... a dream of herself as one of these cats, a proud clan leader, and she set out to heed the calling the very next day.

class } Monk - Acrobatics, Insight, History

attributes } ★ / ☆

  • strength : ★☆☆☆☆
    • -
    dexterity : ★★★★☆
    • -
    constitution : ★★★☆☆
    • -
    intelligence : ★★☆☆☆
    • -
    wisdom : ★★★★☆
    • -
    charisma : ★★★★★
    • -

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